This short film, after over 20 public screenings worldwide, will appear as a segment inside of this feature-length documentary

a documentary feature about Western folklife, cowboy poetry, and the American frontier
This is an in-progress feature documentary about Western folklife, cowboy poets, and the American frontier. Pushing boundaries of documentary style, the film complements spoken poetry with artfully devised tableaus and landscapes that visualize the narrative themes of the poems, evincing stories of hardship and perseverance in today’s ranch culture. Surrounding this, interviews with folklorists, musicians, ranchers, and the cowboy poets themselves create an educational and historical context for this exploration, forming insightful ruminations on the West: not just a place or a moment in history, but a state of mind. Among all that seriousness, the cowboy’s lighter side manifests in live performances and profiles from famous Western musicians like Don Edwards and The Quebe Sisters, and comedic monologues from legends in Western folklore like Baxter Black.
This short film, after over 20 public screenings worldwide, will appear as a segment inside of this feature-length documentary